Friday, November 14, 2008


Well this weekend is one of my long weekends so I'm going to start trying to potty train Boston...again. This time I think he's ready cause he'll come up to me and tell me that he's poopy and needs his bum changed. Sometimes he'll even bring me the diaper! So I'm going to attempt it again. And Devin...well I put both boys on before they get in the tub, and he's gone twice. Boston thinks it's funny and Devin likes seeing that he's a boy and that it hasn't changed since the last time. Devin is also walking. Although he sometimes gets lazy and will crawl or whine until someone picks him up :). Both boys enjoy playing cars and playing with daddy.


Anonymous said...

It is about you update your blog! I wish you the best of luck with potty training Boston. By the looks of it Devin is going to be potty trained here soon!

The Caywood Family said...

You have been Tagged... Come to my blog to see the rules and read...

Love Jennifer and Marc