Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Canning Family Update :)

OK here it is my family's update! A lot has happened these last month. The boys have been as busy as ever! Boston is into cars, that's all he wants to play with and watch. Devin he likes to watch Boston play and 'try' to play with him. Boston of coarse doesn't like it too much and gets mad at him :). Devin is getting too big, he's trying to walk with holding only 1 hand! :( Vinay is really liking his new job with Mountain View Hospital, oh yeah and I got a job too. I work in a eye doctors office. I really enjoy it but I really miss my boys. The first day they were ok with me dropping them off, but the caught on really quick when I didn't come get them after a few hours. So the next day they cried! Boston ran after me with croc tears yelling mommy. They do alot better now and get so excited when I walk through the door. That's about it for us. We're all doing good and loving life :)

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