Friday, November 14, 2008


Well this weekend is one of my long weekends so I'm going to start trying to potty train Boston...again. This time I think he's ready cause he'll come up to me and tell me that he's poopy and needs his bum changed. Sometimes he'll even bring me the diaper! So I'm going to attempt it again. And Devin...well I put both boys on before they get in the tub, and he's gone twice. Boston thinks it's funny and Devin likes seeing that he's a boy and that it hasn't changed since the last time. Devin is also walking. Although he sometimes gets lazy and will crawl or whine until someone picks him up :). Both boys enjoy playing cars and playing with daddy.


I know I'm not doing a very good job keeping this up to date but it's pretty busy here in the Canning Mad House. I didn't know how hard and tiring it is to work full time and be a mom full time. Most of the time I come home pretty tired, but that's life :) Well a lot has happened over the days. The boys are busy as ever and growing like weeds. Halloween was a blast!! Shasta and Taylor came up with their little family the week before Halloween and we went and picked Pumpkins and carved them. There was a little corn maze at the Pumpkin Patch and Boston and Kylee had lots of fun. Devin had fun too...I think :) Later that day we went back to Grandpa's and had fun carving them.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Canning Family Update :)

OK here it is my family's update! A lot has happened these last month. The boys have been as busy as ever! Boston is into cars, that's all he wants to play with and watch. Devin he likes to watch Boston play and 'try' to play with him. Boston of coarse doesn't like it too much and gets mad at him :). Devin is getting too big, he's trying to walk with holding only 1 hand! :( Vinay is really liking his new job with Mountain View Hospital, oh yeah and I got a job too. I work in a eye doctors office. I really enjoy it but I really miss my boys. The first day they were ok with me dropping them off, but the caught on really quick when I didn't come get them after a few hours. So the next day they cried! Boston ran after me with croc tears yelling mommy. They do alot better now and get so excited when I walk through the door. That's about it for us. We're all doing good and loving life :)

Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Typical Canning Family Fish Trip

This is the kinda of stuff that usually happens when we go fishing :). First Vinay thought he'd get to the fishing spot a different way than usual and as the picture wasn't a good idea. Luckily for us it was sand and hard dirt under the sand. Boston likes to play in the car, well the lights were on and the doors locked and Vinay didn't care to unlock them so he went in through the window. Devin and I usually sit on the chair and watch all that's going on. We didn't catch anything but snags but we had lots of fun and laughs! :)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

It's Official!

Devin can crawl! It didn't take long for him to get it down. He's not very fast but he can get around! It's going to get crazier in the Canning house now :)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Oh so Big!

Devin is getting to be such a big boy!! He's really close to crawling. He can go a few 'crawls' then lays out on the floor and inches the rest of the way to what ever he was trying to get. Both of the boys like to take the cushions off the couch. Boston jumps on the cushion-less couch and Devin likes to play with the cushions! :)

Monday, August 18, 2008

Mommy is the Boss

Here's a funny story for you all! Saturday evening I was clipping the boys fingernails and this is what Boston said; "Mommy Bostons turn please! Mommy Boston's turn please!" I explained to him that he didn't get to play with the clippers. He then said " Mommy my turn NOW! One, three, two!" Then he walked over and spanked my leg. I was trying so hard not to laugh and then explained that mommy is the one who disciplines not him. :)

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Happy Birthday Boston!

Happy Birthday Boston! Boston's Birthday was this week and we had a party for him yesterday at Park. He was having so much fun that we had a hard time trying to get him to eat and open presents! He was playing with Oakley and Daddy! He's now 2 and has the attitude to match, he thinks he's too big to get a diaper change but not willing to go on the Potty, so changing his diaper has turned into a wrestling match. Also we'll keep you all informed about the move, when and where if we still decide to do it. :)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Summer Days

This summer we've been swimming a lot. We go to Jessilee's house and Boston and Devin love to swim in the pool with Addison. Both Boston and Devin love the pool, it was a struggle to get both boys out of the water and into the house to change. Boston asks to go swimming with Addison almost every day.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Canning Fam

Hello Everyone! Well Shasta convinced me to make a page after seeing how cute hers' was. Nothing too new with the Canning Family. Vinay is working hard and I just keep busy with our two boys Boston and Devin. Boston will be 2 on the 12th of August and is busy as ever! He is also a little chatter box and has started to pick on his little brother Devin. But Sunday he learned that he won't be able to pick on him much longer. They were fighting over a toy 4-wheeler and Devin won! Devin is 6 1/2 months old and is getting bigger and bigger each day! He has learned that he can slowly get around by scooting on his bum. He loves to watch Boston and loves it even more when Boston plays nice with him. Well that's all for now.